2011. gada 25. maijā Eiropas Direktīva 2009/136 / EK, attiecībā uz privātumu un sīkdatņu izmantošanu uz tīmekļa vietnēm, kas stājās spēkā. Par sīkdatņu izmantošana ir būtiska, lai mūsu mājas lapā, piemēram, mūsu kuģošanas līdzekļus un pakalpojumus, un, lai tos izmantot sīkdatnes, ir noteikti. Jūs varat dzēst vai bloķēt visas sīkdatnes no šīs vietnes, taču neviena daļas vietā strādās.

SportVis 12mg

Buy SportVisSportVis
Cena ar atlaidi
Sales price 69,95 €
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SportVis satur STABHA (mīkstie audi adaptēts biosaderīgs hialuronskābe), kas nodrošina līdzekli, audu reģenerāciju, kas mazina sāpes un paātrina atveseļošanos. To vada peri-locītavu injekcijas.

Spēcīgs dziedināšanas darbība Sportvis darbojas 3 līmeņos vienlaicīgi:

1. nekavējoties atbrīvo platība iekaisumu, samazināt sāpes,
2. Tā ātri nodrošina veida "sastatņu 'atbalsta tīklu, lai bojāto audu un
3. Tas samazina veidošanos rētaudi, kas nodrošina kaitējumu ne tikai dziedēt ātrāk, bet labāk un spēcīgāka samazinātu risku, ka kaitējuma atkārtošanās, kas ilgtermiņā

Units in box: 1

Dear visitors, good day!

Welcome to our online-pharmacy website, “Pegasus-Pharma”. As a part of our vision we have tried to create friendly and easy-to-find resource, which can assist to you to find and order a wide range of orthopaedic and cosmetological products, such as knee injections, supplements and cosmetological injections.

Many people, who faces with the artrosis treatment, ask the same question: ’What is the best, safe and quality treatment for ostearthritis?’.

Hyaluronic acid, which is containing in every human joints, serves primarily as a lubricating component for all human joints. Since the eighties of the twentieth century, when the hyaluronic acid was successfully synthesized in laboratory conditions, injections in knee became soon one the most effective ways for curing osteoarthritis. Knee injections, which can be proceeded by the certified doctor in a clinic without anesthesia, may significally reduce the pain syndrome and increase level of the patient's life for living as usual healthy people.

For the effective treatment of arthrosis we are ready to provide you a wide range of best-quality European and USA products, such as “Ostenil” injections, “Ostenil Plus” injections, “Hya-Ject” , “Go-on” injections and many others. You can check our range of products on our website and order the type of hyaluronic acid injections you need.

And one important thing: we ship our orders worldwide! No any exclusions for any countries. Because we think that people from all the world must have the similar rights to get access to the high-quality orthopaedic products, such our injections for knee pain relief and cosmetological devices.

We are strongly hope that our products will help you to increase you quality of life and will allow you also to enjoy the motion without the pain.

Kind regards, 
‘’Pegasus-Pharma’’ Team.


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